
Interpolate between all of the quaternions given in <code>qs</code> via non-spherical linear interpolation using the specified interpolation factors <code>weights</code>, and store the result in <code>dest</code>. <p> This method will interpolate between each two successive quaternions via {@link #nlerp(Quaterniond, double)} using their relative interpolation weights. <p> Reference: <a href="http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/62354/method-for-interpolation-between-3-quaternions#answer-62356">http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/</a>

@param qs the quaternions to interpolate over @param weights the weights of each individual quaternion in <code>qs</code> @param dest will hold the result @return dest

  1. Quaterniond nlerp(Quaterniond q, double factor)
  2. Quaterniond nlerp(Quaterniond q, double factor, Quaterniond dest)
  3. Quaterniond nlerp(Quaterniond[] qs, double[] weights, Quaterniond dest)
    struct Quaterniond
    public static
