Determine the signed distance of the given point <code>(pointX, pointY)</code> to the line specified via its general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c = 0</i>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Determine the signed distance of the given point <code>(pointX, pointY)</code> to the line defined by the two points <code>(x0, y0)</code> and <code>(x1, y1)</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Compute the distance of the given point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code> to the line defined by the two points <code>(x0, y0, z0)</code> and <code>(x1, y1, z1)</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Determine the signed distance of the given point <code>(pointX, pointY, pointZ)</code> to the plane specified via its general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i>.
Determine the signed distance of the given point <code>(pointX, pointY, pointZ)</code> to the plane of the triangle specified by its three points <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>. <p> If the point lies on the front-facing side of the triangle's plane, that is, if the triangle has counter-clockwise winding order as seen from the point, then this method returns a positive number.
Find the point on the given line segment which is closest to the specified point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code>, and store the result in <code>result</code>.
Find the point on the given plane which is closest to the specified point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code> and store the result in <code>result</code>.
Find the point on a given rectangle, specified via three of its corners, which is closest to the specified point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code> and store the result into <code>res</code>. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter "Closest Point on 3D Rectangle to Point"
Determine the closest point on the triangle with the given vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code> between that triangle and the given point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code> and store that point into the given <code>result</code>. <p> Additionally, this method returns whether the closest point is a vertex ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_0}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_1}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_2}) of the triangle, lies on an edge ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_01}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_12}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_20}) or on the {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_FACE face} of the triangle. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.5 "Closest Point on Triangle to Point"
Determine the closest point on the triangle with the vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code>, <code>v2</code> between that triangle and the given point <code>p</code> and store that point into the given <code>result</code>. <p> Additionally, this method returns whether the closest point is a vertex ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_0}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_1}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_2}) of the triangle, lies on an edge ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_01}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_12}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_20}) or on the {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_FACE face} of the triangle. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.5 "Closest Point on Triangle to Point"
Determine the closest point on the triangle with the given vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y)</code> between that triangle and the given point <code>(pX, pY)</code> and store that point into the given <code>result</code>. <p> Additionally, this method returns whether the closest point is a vertex ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_0}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_1}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_2}) of the triangle, lies on an edge ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_01}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_12}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_20}) or on the {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_FACE face} of the triangle. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.5 "Closest Point on Triangle to Point"
Determine the closest point on the triangle with the vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code>, <code>v2</code> between that triangle and the given point <code>p</code> and store that point into the given <code>result</code>. <p> Additionally, this method returns whether the closest point is a vertex ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_0}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_1}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_VERTEX_2}) of the triangle, lies on an edge ({@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_01}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_12}, {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_EDGE_20}) or on the {@link #POINT_ON_TRIANGLE_FACE face} of the triangle. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.5 "Closest Point on Triangle to Point"
Find the closest points on a line segment and a triangle. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.10 "Closest Points of a Line Segment and a Triangle"
Find the closest points on the two line segments, store the point on the first line segment in <code>resultA</code> and the point on the second line segment in <code>resultB</code>, and return the square distance between both points. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.1.9 "Closest Points of Two Line Segments"
Test whether the one circle with center <code>(aX, aY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other circle with center <code>(bX, bY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>, and store the center of the line segment of intersection in the <code>(x, y)</code> components of the supplied vector and the half-length of that line segment in the z component. <p> This method returns <code>false</code> when one circle contains the other circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the one circle with center <code>centerA</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other circle with center <code>centerB</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>, and store the center of the line segment of intersection in the <code>(x, y)</code> components of the supplied vector and the half-length of that line segment in the z component. <p> This method returns <code>false</code> when one circle contains the other circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line with the general line equation <i>a*x + b*y + c = 0</i> intersects the circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and <code>radius</code>, and store the center of the line segment of intersection in the <code>(x, y)</code> components of the supplied vector and the half-length of that line segment in the z component. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line defined by the two points <code>(x0, y0)</code> and <code>(x1, y1)</code> intersects the circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and <code>radius</code>, and store the center of the line segment of intersection in the <code>(x, y)</code> components of the supplied vector and the half-length of that line segment in the z component. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Determine whether the two lines, specified via two points lying on each line, intersect each other, and store the point of intersection into the given vector <code>p</code>.
Determine whether the undirected line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y, p0Z)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y, p1Z)</code> intersects the axis-aligned box given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY, minZ)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY, maxZ)</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + p0 * (p1 - p0)</i> of the near and far point of intersection. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a line segment whose either end point lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the undirected line segment with the end points <code>p0</code> and <code>p1</code> intersects the axis-aligned box given as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + p0 * (p1 - p0)</i> of the near and far point of intersection. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a line segment whose either end point lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the undirected line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y)</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = p0 + t * (p1 - p0)</i> of the near and far point of intersection into <code>result</code>. <p> This method also detects an intersection of a line segment whose either end point lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the undirected line segment with the end points <code>p0</code> and <code>p1</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle given as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = p0 + t * (p1 - p0)</i> of the near and far point of intersection into <code>result</code>. <p> This method also detects an intersection of a line segment whose either end point lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y, p0Z)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y, p1Z)</code> intersects the plane given as the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i>, and return the point of intersection.
Determine whether the line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y, p0Z)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y, p1Z)</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>, regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points, and return the point of intersection. <p> Reference: <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a>
Determine whether the line segment with the end points <code>p0</code> and <code>p1</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>, regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points, and return the point of intersection. <p> Reference: <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a>
Test whether the plane with the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i> intersects the sphere with center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and <code>radius</code>, and store the center of the circle of intersection in the <code>(x, y, z)</code> components of the supplied vector and the radius of that circle in the w component. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the plane with the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i> intersects the moving sphere with center <code>(cX, cY, cZ)</code>, <code>radius</code> and velocity <code>(vX, vY, vZ)</code>, and store the point of intersection in the <code>(x, y, z)</code> components of the supplied vector and the time of intersection in the w component. <p> The normal vector <code>(a, b, c)</code> of the plane equation needs to be normalized. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.5.3 "Intersecting Moving Sphere Against Plane"
Determine whether the polygon specified by the given sequence of <code>vertices</code> intersects with the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code>, and store the point of intersection into the given vector <code>p</code>. <p> If the polygon intersects the ray, this method returns the index of the polygon edge intersecting the ray, that is, the index of the first vertex of the directed line segment. The second vertex is always that index + 1, modulus the number of polygon vertices.
Determine whether the polygon specified by the given sequence of <code>(x, y)</code> coordinate pairs intersects with the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code>, and store the point of intersection into the given vector <code>p</code>. <p> If the polygon intersects the ray, this method returns the index of the polygon edge intersecting the ray, that is, the index of the first vertex of the directed line segment. The second vertex is always that index + 1, modulus the number of polygon vertices.
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the axis-aligned box given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY, minZ)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY, maxZ)</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the near and far point of intersection. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> If many boxes need to be tested against the same ray, then the {@link RayAabIntersection} class is likely more efficient. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the axis-aligned box specified as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the near and far point of intersection.. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> If many boxes need to be tested against the same ray, then the {@link RayAabIntersection} class is likely more efficient. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the near and far point of intersection as well as the side of the axis-aligned rectangle the ray intersects. <p> This method also detects an intersection for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Determine whether the given ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle given as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>, and return the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the near and far point of intersection as well as the side of the axis-aligned rectangle the ray intersects. <p> This method also detects an intersection for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the given circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> for both points (near and far) of intersections into the given <code>result</code> vector. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the circle with the given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> for both points (near and far) of intersections into the given <code>result</code> vector. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the line containing the given point <code>(pointX, pointY)</code> and having the normal <code>(normalX, normalY)</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the line, because it is either parallel to the line or its direction points away from the line or the ray's origin is on the <i>negative</i> side of the line (i.e. the line's normal points away from the ray's origin).
Test whether the ray with given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the line containing the given <code>point</code> and having the given <code>normal</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the line, because it is either parallel to the line or its direction points away from the line or the ray's origin is on the <i>negative</i> side of the line (i.e. the line's normal points away from the ray's origin).
Determine whether the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the undirected line segment given by the two end points <code>(aX, bY)</code> and <code>(bX, bY)</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point, if any. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the line segment.
Determine whether the ray with given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the undirected line segment given by the two end points <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point, if any. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the line segment.
Test whether the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the plane containing the given point <code>(pointX, pointY, pointZ)</code> and having the normal <code>(normalX, normalY, normalZ)</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the plane, because it is either parallel to the plane or its direction points away from the plane or the ray's origin is on the <i>negative</i> side of the plane (i.e. the plane's normal points away from the ray's origin). <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the plane containing the given <code>point</code> and having the given <code>normal</code>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the plane, because it is either parallel to the plane or its direction points away from the plane or the ray's origin is on the <i>negative</i> side of the plane (i.e. the plane's normal points away from the ray's origin). <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with given origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the plane given as the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i>, and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the intersection point. <p> This method returns <code>-1.0</code> if the ray does not intersect the plane, because it is either parallel to the plane or its direction points away from the plane or the ray's origin is on the <i>negative</i> side of the plane (i.e. the plane's normal points away from the ray's origin). <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and normalized direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the given sphere with center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> for both points (near and far) of intersections into the given <code>result</code> vector. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the sphere. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and normalized direction <code>dir</code> intersects the sphere with the given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>, and store the values of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> for both points (near and far) of intersections into the given <code>result</code> vector. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the sphere. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Determine whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code> and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the point of intersection. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test does not take into account the winding order of the triangle, so a ray will intersect a front-facing triangle as well as a back-facing triangle.
Determine whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and the given <code>dir</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code> and <code>v2</code> and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the point of intersection. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test does not take into account the winding order of the triangle, so a ray will intersect a front-facing triangle as well as a back-facing triangle.
Determine whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code> and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the point of intersection. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test implements backface culling, that is, it will return <code>false</code> when the triangle is in clockwise winding order assuming a <i>right-handed</i> coordinate system when seen along the ray's direction, even if the ray intersects the triangle. This is in compliance with how OpenGL handles backface culling with default frontface/backface settings.
Determine whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and the given <code>dir</code> intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code> and <code>v2</code> and return the value of the parameter <i>t</i> in the ray equation <i>p(t) = origin + t * dir</i> of the point of intersection. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test implements backface culling, that is, it will return <code>false</code> when the triangle is in clockwise winding order assuming a <i>right-handed</i> coordinate system when seen along the ray's direction, even if the ray intersects the triangle. This is in compliance with how OpenGL handles backface culling with default frontface/backface settings.
Test whether the one sphere with center <code>(aX, aY, aZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other sphere with center <code>(bX, bY, bZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>, and store the center of the circle of intersection in the <code>(x, y, z)</code> components of the supplied vector and the radius of that circle in the w component. <p> The normal vector of the circle of intersection can simply be obtained by subtracting the center of either sphere from the other. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the one sphere with center <code>centerA</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other sphere with center <code>centerB</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>, and store the center of the circle of intersection in the <code>(x, y, z)</code> components of the supplied vector and the radius of that circle in the w component. <p> The normal vector of the circle of intersection can simply be obtained by subtracting the center of either sphere from the other. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the given sphere with center <code>(sX, sY, sZ)</code> intersects the triangle given by its three vertices, and if they intersect store the point of intersection into <code>result</code>. <p> This method also returns whether the point of intersection is on one of the triangle's vertices, edges or on the face. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.2.7 "Testing Sphere Against Triangle"
Determine the point of intersection between a sphere with the given center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and <code>radius</code> moving with the given velocity <code>(velX, velY, velZ)</code> and the triangle specified via its three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>. <p> The vertices of the triangle must be specified in counter-clockwise winding order. <p> An intersection is only considered if the time of intersection is smaller than the given <code>maxT</code> value. <p> Reference: <a href="">Improved Collision detection and Response</a>
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>(minXA, minYA, minZA)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxXA, maxYA, maxZA)</code> intersects the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>(minXB, minYB, minZB)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxXB, maxYB, maxZB)</code>.
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>minA</code> and maximum corner <code>maxA</code> intersects the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>minB</code> and maximum corner <code>maxB</code>.
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>(minX, minY, minZ)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY, maxZ)</code> intersects the plane with the general equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a> ("Geometric Approach - Testing Boxes II")
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code> intersects the plane with the general equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a> ("Geometric Approach - Testing Boxes II")
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>(minX, minY, minZ)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY, maxZ)</code> intersects the sphere with the given center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the axis-aligned box with minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code> intersects the sphere with the given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>(minXA, minYA)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxXA, maxYA)</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>(minXB, minYB)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxXB, maxYB)</code>.
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>minA</code> and maximum corner <code>maxA</code> intersects the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>minB</code> and maximum corner <code>maxB</code>.
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code> intersects the circle with the given center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code> intersects the circle with the given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code> intersects the line with the general equation <i>a*x + b*y + c = 0</i>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a> ("Geometric Approach - Testing Boxes II")
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code> intersects the line with the general equation <i>a*x + b*y + c = 0</i>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a> ("Geometric Approach - Testing Boxes II")
Test whether the axis-aligned rectangle with minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code> intersects the line defined by the two points <code>(x0, y0)</code> and <code>(x1, y1)</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a> ("Geometric Approach - Testing Boxes II")
Test whether the one circle with center <code>(aX, aY)</code> and radius <code>rA</code> intersects the other circle with center <code>(bX, bY)</code> and radius <code>rB</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> when one circle contains the other circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the one circle with center <code>centerA</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other circle with center <code>centerB</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> when one circle contains the other circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code> intersects the triangle with counter-clockwise vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y)</code>. <p> The vertices of the triangle must be specified in counter-clockwise order. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the circle with given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code> intersects the triangle with counter-clockwise vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code>, <code>v2</code>. <p> The vertices of the triangle must be specified in counter-clockwise order. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line with the general line equation <i>a*x + b*y + c = 0</i> intersects the circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and <code>radius</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y, p0Z)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y, p1Z)</code> intersects the given sphere with center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line segment with the end points <code>p0</code> and <code>p1</code> intersects the given sphere with center <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the line segment with the end points <code>(p0X, p0Y, p0Z)</code> and <code>(p1X, p1Y, p1Z)</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>, regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points. <p> Reference: <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a>
Test whether the line segment with the end points <code>p0</code> and <code>p1</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>, regardless of the winding order of the triangle or the direction of the line segment between its two end points. <p> Reference: <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a>
Test whether a given circle with center <code>(aX, aY)</code> and radius <code>aR</code> and travelled distance vector <code>(maX, maY)</code> intersects a given static circle with center <code>(bX, bY)</code> and radius <code>bR</code>. <p> Note that the case of two moving circles can always be reduced to this case by expressing the moved distance of one of the circles relative to the other. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether a given circle with center <code>centerA</code> and radius <code>aR</code> and travelled distance vector <code>moveA</code> intersects a given static circle with center <code>centerB</code> and radius <code>bR</code>. <p> Note that the case of two moving circles can always be reduced to this case by expressing the moved distance of one of the circles relative to the other. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether two oriented boxes given via their center position, orientation and half-size, intersect. <p> The orientation of a box is given as three unit vectors spanning the local orthonormal basis of the box. <p> The size is given as the half-size along each of the unit vectors defining the orthonormal basis. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 4.4.1 "OBB-OBB Intersection"
Test whether two oriented boxes given via their center position, orientation and half-size, intersect. <p> The orientation of a box is given as three unit vectors spanning the local orthonormal basis of the box. <p> The size is given as the half-size along each of the unit vectors defining the orthonormal basis. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 4.4.1 "OBB-OBB Intersection"
Test whether the plane with the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i> intersects the sphere with center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and <code>radius</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the plane with the general plane equation <i>a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0</i> intersects the sphere moving from center position <code>(t0X, t0Y, t0Z)</code> to <code>(t1X, t1Y, t1Z)</code> and having the given <code>radius</code>. <p> The normal vector <code>(a, b, c)</code> of the plane equation needs to be normalized. <p> Reference: Book "Real-Time Collision Detection" chapter 5.5.3 "Intersecting Moving Sphere Against Plane"
Test whether the given point <code>(pX, pY)</code> lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle with the minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code>.
Test whether the point <code>(pX, pY)</code> lies inside the circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>.
Test whether the projection of the given point <code>(pX, pY, pZ)</code> lies inside of the triangle defined by the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>. <p> Reference: <a href="">Improved Collision detection and Response</a>
Test whether the given point <code>(pX, pY)</code> lies inside the triangle with the vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y)</code>.
Test whether the given <code>point</code> lies inside the triangle with the vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code>, <code>v2</code>.
Test if the two convex polygons, given via their vertices, intersect.
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the axis-aligned box given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY, minZ)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY, maxZ)</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> If many boxes need to be tested against the same ray, then the {@link RayAabIntersection} class is likely more efficient. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the axis-aligned box specified as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned box. <p> If many boxes need to be tested against the same ray, then the {@link RayAabIntersection} class is likely more efficient. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the given axis-aligned rectangle given as its minimum corner <code>(minX, minY)</code> and maximum corner <code>(maxX, maxY)</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the given axis-aligned rectangle specified as its minimum corner <code>min</code> and maximum corner <code>max</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the axis-aligned rectangle. <p> Reference: <a href="">An Efficient and Robust Ray–Box Intersection</a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY)</code> intersects the given circle with center <code>(centerX, centerY)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and direction <code>dir</code> intersects the circle with the given <code>center</code> and square radius. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the circle. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and normalized direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the given sphere with center <code>(centerX, centerY, centerZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code>. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the sphere. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and normalized direction <code>dir</code> intersects the sphere with the given <code>center</code> and square radius. <p> This method returns <code>true</code> for a ray whose origin lies inside the sphere. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test does not take into account the winding order of the triangle, so a ray will intersect a front-facing triangle as well as a back-facing triangle.
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and the given <code>dir</code> intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code> and <code>v2</code>. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test does not take into account the winding order of the triangle, so a ray will intersect a front-facing triangle as well as a back-facing triangle.
Test whether the given ray with the origin <code>(originX, originY, originZ)</code> and direction <code>(dirX, dirY, dirZ)</code> intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>(v0X, v0Y, v0Z)</code>, <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code> and <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code>. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test implements backface culling, that is, it will return <code>false</code> when the triangle is in clockwise winding order assuming a <i>right-handed</i> coordinate system when seen along the ray's direction, even if the ray intersects the triangle. This is in compliance with how OpenGL handles backface culling with default frontface/backface settings.
Test whether the ray with the given <code>origin</code> and the given <code>dir</code> intersects the frontface of the triangle consisting of the three vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code> and <code>v2</code>. <p> This is an implementation of the <a href=""> Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection</a> method. <p> This test implements backface culling, that is, it will return <code>false</code> when the triangle is in clockwise winding order assuming a <i>right-handed</i> coordinate system when seen along the ray's direction, even if the ray intersects the triangle. This is in compliance with how OpenGL handles backface culling with default frontface/backface settings.
Test whether the one sphere with center <code>(aX, aY, aZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other sphere with center <code>(bX, bY, bZ)</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Test whether the one sphere with center <code>centerA</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredA</code> intersects the other sphere with center <code>centerB</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquaredB</code>. <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>
Return value of {@link #intersectRayAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectRayAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the ray intersects the side of the axis-aligned rectangle with the maximum x coordinate.
Return value of {@link #intersectRayAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectRayAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the ray intersects the side of the axis-aligned rectangle with the maximum y coordinate.
Return value of {@link #intersectRayAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectRayAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the ray intersects the side of the axis-aligned rectangle with the minimum x coordinate.
Return value of {@link #intersectRayAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectRayAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the ray intersects the side of the axis-aligned rectangle with the minimum y coordinate.
Return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment lies completely inside of the axis-aligned box; or return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment lies completely inside of the axis-aligned rectangle.
Return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector2d)} to indicate that one end point of the line segment lies inside of the axis-aligned box; or return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that one end point of the line segment lies inside of the axis-aligned rectangle.
Return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment does not intersect the axis-aligned box; or return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment does not intersect the axis-aligned rectangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point lies on the edge between the first and second vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point lies on the edge between the second and third vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point lies on the edge between the third and first vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point lies on the face of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point is the first vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point is the second vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d)}, {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #findClosestPointOnTriangle(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} or {@link #intersectSweptSphereTriangle} to signal that the closest point is the third vertex of the triangle.
Return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAab(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment intersects two sides of the axis-aligned box or lies on an edge or a side of the box; or return value of {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Vector2d)} and {@link #intersectLineSegmentAar(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d)} to indicate that the line segment intersects two edges of the axis-aligned rectangle or lies on an edge of the rectangle.