
Set <code>this</code> matrix to <code>T * R * S</code>, where <code>T</code> is a translation by the given <code>(tx, ty, tz)</code>, <code>R</code> is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion <code>(qx, qy, qz, qw)</code>, and <code>S</code> is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by <code>(sx, sy, sz)</code>. <p> When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation. <p> When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise. <p> This method is equivalent to calling: <code>translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat).scale(sx, sy, sz)</code>

@see #translation(double, double, double) @see #rotate(Quaterniond) @see #scale(double, double, double)

@param tx the number of units by which to translate the x-component @param ty the number of units by which to translate the y-component @param tz the number of units by which to translate the z-component @param qx the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion @param qy the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion @param qz the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion @param qw the scalar part of the quaternion @param sx the scaling factor for the x-axis @param sy the scaling factor for the y-axis @param sz the scaling factor for the z-axis @return this

  1. Matrix4x3d translationRotateScale(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz)
    struct Matrix4x3d
    ref public return
    double tx
    double ty
    double tz
    double qx
    double qy
    double qz
    double qw
    double sx
    double sy
    double sz
  2. Matrix4x3d translationRotateScale(Vector3d translation, Quaterniond quat, Vector3d scale)
