
Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make <code>-z</code> point along <code>dir</code>. <p> This is equivalent to calling {@link #setLookAt(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) setLookAt()} with <code>eye = (0, 0, 0)</code> and <code>center = dir</code>. <p> In order to apply the lookalong transformation to any previous existing transformation, use {@link #lookAlong(Vector3d, Vector3d)}.

@see #setLookAlong(Vector3d, Vector3d) @see #lookAlong(Vector3d, Vector3d)

@param dir the direction in space to look along @param up the direction of 'up' @return this

  1. Matrix4x3d setLookAlong(Vector3d dir, Vector3d up)
    struct Matrix4x3d
    ref public return
  2. Matrix4x3d setLookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
