
Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.

@param nx the x-coordinate of the plane normal @param ny the y-coordinate of the plane normal @param nz the z-coordinate of the plane normal @param px the x-coordinate of a point on the plane @param py the y-coordinate of a point on the plane @param pz the z-coordinate of a point on the plane @return this

  1. Matrix4d reflection(double a, double b, double c, double d)
  2. Matrix4d reflection(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz)
    struct Matrix4d
    ref return
    double nx
    double ny
    double nz
    double px
    double py
    double pz
  3. Matrix4d reflection(Vector3d normal, Vector3d point)
  4. Matrix4d reflection(Quaterniond orientation, Vector3d point)
