
Test whether the circle with given <code>center</code> and square radius <code>radiusSquared</code> intersects the triangle with counter-clockwise vertices <code>v0</code>, <code>v1</code>, <code>v2</code>. <p> The vertices of the triangle must be specified in counter-clockwise order. <p> Reference: <a href="http://www.phatcode.net/articles.php?id=459">http://www.phatcode.net/</a>

@param center the circle's center @param radiusSquared the square radius of the circle @param v0 the first vertex of the triangle @param v1 the second vertex of the triangle @param v2 the third vertex of the triangle @return <code>true</code> iff the circle intersects the triangle; <code>false</code> otherwise

  1. bool testCircleTriangle(double centerX, double centerY, double radiusSquared, double v0X, double v0Y, double v1X, double v1Y, double v2X, double v2Y)
  2. bool testCircleTriangle(Vector2d center, double radiusSquared, Vector2d v0, Vector2d v1, Vector2d v2)
    public static
