
Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range. <p> In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use {@link #perspective(double, double, double, double, bool) perspective()}.

@see #perspective(double, double, double, double, bool)

@param fovy the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than {@link Math#PI PI}) @param aspect the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero) @param zNear near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, <code>zFar</code> may not also be {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}. @param zFar far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, <code>zNear</code> may not also be {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}. @param zZeroToOne whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of <code>[0..+1]</code> when <code>true</code> or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of <code>[-1..+1]</code> when <code>false</code> @return this

  1. Matrix4d setPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, bool zZeroToOne)
    struct Matrix4d
    ref return
    double fovy
    double aspect
    double zNear
    double zFar
  2. Matrix4d setPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
