
Set this matrix to a rotation of <code>angleZ</code> radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of <code>angleY</code> radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of <code>angleX</code> radians about the X axis. <p> When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise. <p> This method is equivalent to calling: <code>rotationZ(angleZ).rotateY(angleY).rotateX(angleX)</code>

@param angleZ the angle to rotate about Z @param angleY the angle to rotate about Y @param angleX the angle to rotate about X @return this

struct Matrix3d
ref public return
double angleZ
double angleY
double angleX
