- Matrix4x3d mul3x3(double rm00, double rm01, double rm02, double rm10, double rm11, double rm12, double rm20, double rm21, double rm22)
- Matrix4x3d mul3x3(double rm00, double rm01, double rm02, double rm10, double rm11, double rm12, double rm20, double rm21, double rm22, Matrix4x3d dest)
matrix_4x3d Matrix4x3d
constructorsfunctionsstatic variablesvariables
Multiply <code>this</code> by the 4x3 matrix with the column vectors <code>(rm00, rm01, rm02)</code>, <code>(rm10, rm11, rm12)</code>, <code>(rm20, rm21, rm22)</code> and <code>(0, 0, 0)</code>. <p> If <code>M</code> is <code>this</code> matrix and <code>R</code> the specified matrix, then the new matrix will be <code>M * R</code>. So when transforming a vector <code>v</code> with the new matrix by using <code>M * R * v</code>, the transformation of the <code>R</code> matrix will be applied first!
@param rm00 the value of the m00 element @param rm01 the value of the m01 element @param rm02 the value of the m02 element @param rm10 the value of the m10 element @param rm11 the value of the m11 element @param rm12 the value of the m12 element @param rm20 the value of the m20 element @param rm21 the value of the m21 element @param rm22 the value of the m22 element @return this