
Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by {@link #positiveY(ref Vector3d)}) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by {@link #positiveZ(ref Vector3d)}) and the given vector <code>(upX, upY, upZ)</code>. <p> This effectively ensures that the resulting matrix will be equal to the one obtained from {@link #setLookAt(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)} called with the current local origin of this matrix (as obtained by {@link #originAffine(ref Vector3d)}), the sum of this position and the negated local Z axis as well as the given vector <code>(upX, upY, upZ)</code>. <p> This method must only be called on {@link #isAffine()} matrices.

@param upX the x coordinate of the up vector @param upY the y coordinate of the up vector @param upZ the z coordinate of the up vector @return this

  1. Matrix4d withLookAtUp(Vector3d up)
  2. Matrix4d withLookAtUp(Vector3d up, Matrix4d dest)
  3. Matrix4d withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    struct Matrix4d
    ref public return
    double upX
    double upY
    double upZ
  4. Matrix4d withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
