
Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z. <p> If <code>M</code> is <code>this</code> matrix and <code>T</code> the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be <code>M * T</code>. So when transforming a vector <code>v</code> with the new matrix by using <code>M * T * v</code>, the translation will be applied first! <p> In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without post-multiplying it, use {@link #translation(double, double, double)}.

@see #translation(double, double, double)

@param x the offset to translate in x @param y the offset to translate in y @param z the offset to translate in z @return this

  1. Matrix4d translate(Vector3d offset)
  2. Matrix4d translate(Vector3d offset, Matrix4d dest)
  3. Matrix4d translate(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
  4. Matrix4d translate(double x, double y, double z)
    struct Matrix4d
    ref public return
    double x
    double y
    double z
