
Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns <code>+z</code> with <code>center - eye</code>. <p> In order to apply the lookat transformation to a previous existing transformation, use {@link #lookAtLH(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) lookAtLH}.

@see #setLookAtLH(ref Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) @see #lookAtLH(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)

@param eyeX the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location @param eyeY the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location @param eyeZ the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location @param centerX the x-coordinate of the point to look at @param centerY the y-coordinate of the point to look at @param centerZ the z-coordinate of the point to look at @param upX the x-coordinate of the up vector @param upY the y-coordinate of the up vector @param upZ the z-coordinate of the up vector @return this

  1. Matrix4d setLookAtLH(Vector3d eye, Vector3d center, Vector3d up)
  2. Matrix4d setLookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    struct Matrix4d
    ref public return
    double eyeX
    double eyeY
    double eyeZ
    double centerX
    double centerY
    double centerZ
    double upX
    double upY
    double upZ
