
Set this matrix to represent a perspective projection equivalent to the given intrinsic camera calibration parameters. The resulting matrix will be suited for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of <code>[-1..+1]</code>. <p> See: <a href=""></a> <p> Reference: <a href=""></a>

@param alphaX specifies the focal length and scale along the X axis @param alphaY specifies the focal length and scale along the Y axis @param gamma the skew coefficient between the X and Y axis (may be <code>0</code>) @param u0 the X coordinate of the principal point in image/sensor units @param v0 the Y coordinate of the principal point in image/sensor units @param imgWidth the width of the sensor/image image/sensor units @param imgHeight the height of the sensor/image image/sensor units @param near the distance to the near plane @param far the distance to the far plane @return this

struct Matrix4d
ref public return
double alphaX
double alphaY
double gamma
double u0
double v0
double near
double far
