Whether certain debugging checks should be made, such as that only direct NIO Buffers are used when Unsafe is active, and a proxy should be created on calls to readOnlyView().
Whether fast approximations of some java.lang.Math operations should be used.
Whether to <i>force</i> the use of sun.misc.Unsafe when copying memory with MemUtil.
Whether <i>not</i> to use sun.misc.Unsafe when copying memory with MemUtil.
When {@link #FASTMATH} is <code>true</code>, whether to use a lookup table for sin/cos.
When {@link #SIN_LOOKUP} is <code>true</code>, this determines the table size.
Whether to try using java.lang.Math.fma() in most matrix/vector/quaternion operations if it is available. If the CPU does <i>not</i> support it, it will be a lot slower than a*b+c and potentially generate a lot of memory allocations for the emulation with java.util.BigDecimal, though.
Determines the number of decimal digits produced in the formatted numbers.
Whether to use a {@link NumberFormat} producing scientific notation output when formatting matrix, vector and quaternion components to strings.
Utility class for reading system properties.
@author Kai Burjack