
Test whether the given line segment, defined by the end points <code>(aX, aY, aZ)</code> and <code>(bX, bY, bZ)</code>, is partly or completely within the frustum defined by <code>this</code> frustum culler.

@param aX the x coordinate of the line segment's first end point @param aY the y coordinate of the line segment's first end point @param aZ the z coordinate of the line segment's first end point @param bX the x coordinate of the line segment's second end point @param bY the y coordinate of the line segment's second end point @param bZ the z coordinate of the line segment's second end point @return <code>true</code> if the given line segment is partly or completely inside the frustum; <code>false</code> otherwise

  1. bool testLineSegment(Vector3d a, Vector3d b)
  2. bool testLineSegment(float aX, float aY, float aZ, float bX, float bY, float bZ)
    struct FrustumIntersection
    float aX
    float aY
    float aZ
    float bX
    float bY
    float bZ
