
Determine whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by <code>this</code> frustum culler and, if the box is not inside this frustum, return the index of the plane that culled it. The box is specified via its min and max corner coordinates. <p> The algorithm implemented by this method is conservative. This means that in certain circumstances a <i>false positive</i> can occur, when the method returns {@link #INTERSECT} for boxes that do not intersect the frustum. See <a href=""></a> for an examination of this problem. <p> Reference: <a href="">Efficient View Frustum Culling</a>

@param minX the x-coordinate of the minimum corner @param minY the y-coordinate of the minimum corner @param minZ the z-coordinate of the minimum corner @param maxX the x-coordinate of the maximum corner @param maxY the y-coordinate of the maximum corner @param maxZ the z-coordinate of the maximum corner @return the index of the first plane that culled the box, if the box does not intersect the frustum, or {@link #INTERSECT} if the box intersects the frustum, or {@link #INSIDE} if the box is fully inside of the frustum. The plane index is one of {@link #PLANE_NX}, {@link #PLANE_PX}, {@link #PLANE_NY}, {@link #PLANE_PY}, {@link #PLANE_NZ} and {@link #PLANE_PZ}
