
Update the stored frustum planes of <code>this</code> {@link FrustumIntersection} with the given {@link Matrix4d matrix} and allow to optimize the frustum plane extraction in the case when no intersection test is needed for spheres. <p> Reference: <a href=""> Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix</a>

@param m the {@link Matrix4d matrix} to update <code>this</code> frustum culler's frustum planes from @param allowTestSpheres whether the methods {@link #testSphere(Vector3d, double)}, {@link #testSphere(double, double, double, double)}, {@link #intersectSphere(Vector3d, double)} or {@link #intersectSphere(double, double, double, double)} will be used. If no spheres need to be tested, then <code>false</code> should be used @return this

  1. FrustumIntersection set(Matrix4d m)
  2. FrustumIntersection set(Matrix4d m, bool allowTestSpheres)
    struct FrustumIntersection
    ref public return
