
Calculate the normal of a surface defined by points <code>(v1X, v1Y, v1Z)</code>, <code>(v2X, v2Y, v2Z)</code> and <code>(v3X, v3Y, v3Z)</code> and store it in <code>dest</code>.

@param v0X the x coordinate of the first position @param v0Y the y coordinate of the first position @param v0Z the z coordinate of the first position @param v1X the x coordinate of the second position @param v1Y the y coordinate of the second position @param v1Z the z coordinate of the second position @param v2X the x coordinate of the third position @param v2Y the y coordinate of the third position @param v2Z the z coordinate of the third position @param dest will hold the result

  1. void normal(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2, Vector3d dest)
  2. void normal(float v0X, float v0Y, float v0Z, float v1X, float v1Y, float v1Z, float v2X, float v2Y, float v2Z, Vector3d dest)
    float v0X
    float v0Y
    float v0Z
    float v1X
    float v1Y
    float v1Z
    float v2X
    float v2Y
    float v2Z
